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Bupropion to buy time for a cure. The problem was that drug had come from a company in which the FDA had a significant investment--and this was in the 1940s. So Pfizer was able to make a pretty penny from its investment in the drug and company was able to sell it for a lot more than it cost. So when they figured out that could get rid of the problem drug becoming less potent Generic brand of pantoprazole as it got older, they decided to use a similar strategy with the cholesterol cure. They said, we know it doesn't work as well the drug that was going to be approved--we'll just go the other companies and ask them to figure out why it doesn't work as well. You know, take all the money you can get from the company and you can hire the smartest guys in world and they try to figure out what's going on. Well, when you do that, have to decide where the best investment is--and so Pfizer decided the best investment were cholesterol cures. The company decided that it was going to get a very large percentage of the price for its cholesterol drugs--just what it wanted. And did a very good job of getting that share even though the drug in question was not any more effective than the drug that was going to be approved. And as soon the pharmaceutical companies decided they could get more out of the drugs that they didn't have to pay for, they did. And so I'm not arguing against all of this. I think that the whole pharmaceutical industry in United States is one of the biggest and most productive, profitable, industries in the world, that we have. But you do--and it's a very, very good job, it's a high-paid very productive--but you do have to worry about the problems that I've described, because they could become major problems down the road. I was reading about a recent incident that happened in Japan when the Japanese government discovered that one of their most important industries, the car industry, was making a tremendous amount of money. But when they found out how much money the car companies were making from the government, they took their companies out of the government--and I think that Japanese have decided they don't want to have anything do with the car industry at all. And I wonder if that's something that we will have to worry about in the United States too. Russ Roberts: Yeah. It's true. I think we've already had a lot of problems--we'll talk about it. We've had a big--I mean, the big one is Medicare Part D in the United States. People get sick. They go to a doctor. get drug. They medicine. don't like it. get And they go to a pharmacy and there's that has Bupropion 150mg $70.68 - $1.18 Per pill it. they get the medicine. But in a lot of cases it's cheaper to go the pharmacy and buy medicine at--it costs a little bit more than it would to buy the medicine in your own health. And that's fine. But what happens is when you don't have to worry about that, when you don't have to worry about paying for it--in fact, you think don't have to pay for it, but we don't know that that's true because the pharmacist doesn't give you price. It's all opaque, so you don't know. Now, the other problem with prescription drug prices is the government has set prices a long time ago. And because they've set prices so low for long, they've become almost totally unaffordable to the middle class. So class has to pay a much greater portion of their income for prescription drugs than they once did--not bupropion xl 150 mg generic that didn't have prescription drug benefits; you don't have to pay for prescription drugs if you are Valsartan generico not on Medicare. But it's very important, if you care about a prescription drug--you medicine like that, where the government is going to be footing the bill, for average middle class middle-income Americans to be able afford it. Guest: Yeah. Well, I think that's a very important discussion that we're not having. Russ Roberts: having it at all. 12:54 Russ Roberts: But we do have to talk about prescription drugs and-- Guest: Well, I think it's very important. But I think that it's important to look at the big picture here. It's important that the United States not have an all-powerful england pharmacy online shop government and private sector monopolies. That's a very bad thing. And so the way that we should think about this is that the government needs to--the to subsidize the pharmaceutical industry; that they should not be making huge profits from selling prescription drugs; they should be paying back the cost of medicines that they are selling to the rest of world.

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